Bikes and Phones and Apple is the Suck

Things are getting fixed. I got my phone replaced, so now it will play music. This is the third LG Dare that I have had. It has been frustrating, but its a great phone and I'm really glad its working now.

I fixed my mountain bike. The derailuer hanger broke in half a while ago and when I went to the bike shop, they said that they couldn't order the replacement part because its a foreign bike... So I ordered the part myself and I put my bike back together. I'm really psyched to ride it again. Its been too long.

Yesterday I went to my first baseball game ever. It was a very casual game, not too crazy. I'm not a fan of the sport at all, but for just $9 its a decent hangout activity. Here's the view we had from the $9 seats:

Today I went for a ride on my road bike. I kinda stopped riding when my phone stopped playing music, but now that it is musical again I feel inspired to ride. The route I took didnt stray too far away from home because the weather was threatening to pour water on me. I did a couple loops, climbed a few small hills, totaling about 22 miles.

On a nerdier note, screw Apple.[RANT: They are sitting on a pile of money which is why they are able to produce cool junk like the iphone, but the limitations that they are putting on the app store are ridiculous and its reaching the point where people should start to get angry. Recently they have blocked Google's official Google Latitude AND Google Voice apps. They said Latitude would confuse users (because they think you're all REALLY stupid) and they said that Voice duplicates features already on the iphone. This is all a load of crap and this kind of app rejection will keep the iphone from maintaining its "There's an app for that" appeal. To end this rant I would like to say that I had a bad feeling about Apple ever since the ipod. They seem to open the world to new ideas at the same time that they create huge unnecessary limitations.]