
My buddy Karuna and I spent the last 2 days moving all of my Uncle's stuff into his new house. It was basically nine-to-five both days and a lot of heavy lifting. Funny thing is, the new house is a mirror image of the old house, everything's the same but flipped. So its like we didnt really do anything, but we did. Anyways, now I'm pooped.

I just spent the last couple hours watching some movies on the internet and I'd like to share my experience. First, I watched The Breakfast Club. I had heard about this movie and decided I should see it and find out what its all about. Now its one of my favourite movies. I just wish that it ended differently, or that it didnt end not at all. Seriously, great movie.

Next I went over to Hulu.com where I noticed a new feature on the site which recommends videos for me based on what I watched. On the list of recommended vids, I noticed a movie titled Go. This movie is insanity. Its like a crazy montage of people being in screwed up situations way over their heads and I really laughed out loud (Although you'll only find it funny if you're a terrible person).

That brings me to my next topic. Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Its a TV show. Its hilarious. I recommend season 3. I can't even begin to explain the kind of humor on that show. It has made me realize that I'm a terrible human being. YAY!