All about awesomeness

So i decided to write in this again and talk about how amazingly awesome things are right now

I pretty much don't sleep or do homework, like right now i'm actually out jumping on things instead of doing my chem lab report sheet. Also, I spend most of my time with Tiffany, which I GUESS is alright...just kiddinggg. She's awesome too, I like to keep her awake at night when she really should be sleeping, but it's not my choice I swear. So the girls down the hall in her suite are pretty great too, like that Stephanie girl, yeah shes cool totally. Mary is really tall and has red hair, thats cool too. Charisse is pretty awesome herself and Courtney needs to get out more. I don't see much of Amiee though, but I'm sure shes pretty cool too. 

Well I'm going to go keep jumping on things because I have this amazing ability to write on my blog AS i jump. Crazy huh?