Out Of Contact

It has been quite a while since I last posted on this Blog. But a have a good reason. I've been out of contact. It all began when I woke up and realized that I was going to Ohio with the family to visit the grandparents. In this particular section of Ohioland, my phone got absolutely zero service, even though my family(on the same Verizon plan) had no trouble making calls. Sux 4 me...

But that's not what kept me from blogging. Lack of internet was to blame here. No internet at the grandparents house. No wifi hot spots emerging from the surrounding farmland. A half hour drive would get me to the library where I was limited to checking e-mail...

So Ohio killed my internet presence for about 5 days, and I left my computer with my family so I could travel extra light for my trip to Chicago for The Chicago Colossal Jam which left kept me off the web for another 4 days. I got back today and spent the whole day sitting at my computer struggling to catch up with the overflowing heap of data that has been waiting for me.