Firefox 3

News in technology, Firefox 3, the latest and greatest piece of software by Mozilla was officially released today. Of course, if you follow Mozilla at all you would probably have downloaded it in beta weeks ago, but I waited for today. Today was Download Day and, in this day, Mozilla intends to set the Guinness World Record for greatest number of downloads for a piece of software in one day. So I did that and there were a few things that I had to deal with because I do a lot with my Firefox and some things have changed, but I'm excited... sorta.

Now some news that actually has something to do with me:

I helped my uncle move today. Myself and Karuna filled a UHaul truck with big, heavy things. For a family of four, they had quite a lot of big, heavy things, and most of it had to got down the stairs, out the door, into the truck, out of the truck, in the other door, and up the other stairs.
This move will satisfy them for a couple weeks. They are actually having a house built nearby, but since they already sold their old house (which is actually very new), they needed a place to live and store their things until the newer new house is built. Did that make sense?
All of this means that I will be moving all of the same things again very soon. In fact, the house that I will be moving them into is a replica of the one that I just moved them out of, so it will be like pressing Ctrl-Z, but not quite as effortless.

Enough with the words, fool. Its Video Time.