Hokie Passport Rant

I haven't posted anything for a while and the last time I posted something, it was the first thing I had posted in about 2 weeks. One thing I have noticed from Bloggers, Vloggers, loggers in general is that we tend to go for a while, stop, apologize, and then continue going again with the promise that we wont stop anymore. With that said, I will continue going again, but I refuse to apologize. Sorry if you were hoping I would...

Did you catch the irony there? If not, don't worry about it. Seriously though, I have a lot of stuff to talk about, so I should be able to post fairly regularly again for a while.

The main topic of this post will be a story time rant about my Hokie Passport("Hokie Passport" is just a name that we, at Virginia Tech, use for our Student IDs)

It all started last Saturday. For some people, this is "GAME DAY!" For me, it is "Find something else to do day." I don't care for football or all the culture associated with viewing the sport. I was lucky enough to know a group of people who planned a hiking trip for that day.

For the group to get together before hitting the trails, we had to meet off campus as the football game had consumed every bit of campus transportation resources. I rode my bike to the meeting place and then found that my left pocket was empty. But it wasn't empty before. It held my wallet and Hokie Passport. This pocket turned out to be faulty in a way that caused it to fail at holding things during the process of cycling. Its true.

Over the next couple of days, I had my wallet returned to me, and then my Hokie Passport. I even found someone else's passport and returned it to him. I'm really lucky that nice people found and returned my junk. That could have sucked a lot, but didn't. For that, I am grateful.

Now the problems begin.

My Hokie Passport doesn't work. It doesn't work because I deactivated it as soon I had lost it in order to prevent it from being used my whoever could have found it. I went to the student services office to reactivate it on Monday at 4:00 PM, but I didnt have the card with me. I explained that I wouldn't have the card until 6:00 and, since the office closes at 5:00, I need to activate it early because I'd like to eat dinner.

The guy at the counter almost did it! He almost made it all better. I could have received a working card at 6:00 PM Monday. BUT the nice lady behind him explained that they cannot activate a card unless I have it with me. Thats bullshit. He COULD have done it. He WOULD have done it. He SHOULD have done it, but that bitch stopped him. I know that they have a system with rules. The system just sucks major penis, specifically for my situation.

So I got my card at 6:00 and went back on Tuesday. It was a simple process. I was told that I could use the card to buy things immediately and that I would have access to my dorm after about an hour. I was very happy to eat food again, even though I could have eaten 24 hours sooner if that lady had just shut the useless hole in her face.


Something must have gone wrong during the activation process, because I didn't regain access to my dorm within the hour, or within the next 5 hours... Its slightly inconvenient to not be able to open the door to my own dorm. Ironically, it would less inconvenient for the people that aren't allowed in the building, because they can still get in. The building security we have doesn't really do much good when you think about it.

As of right now, my card is only half way activated. I have to wait for someone to open the door to my dorm in order to get in. If nobody is around to open the door, I have to climb the building and get in through a window(not joking).

I will go back to the Student Services Office and re-re-activate it (notice the use of "re-re", as in retarded). The inconvenience continues on to Wednesday. I will update this once it is all over.

Right after writing this rant, my card suddenly started working. BUT, it only worked on one of the doors to my building. For some reason, the VT building security system is so complicated that a card that works on one door might not work on another door that goes to the same place! This makes me worried.

So, it took several hours for the card to work one one door. It started working on the other door after a few more DAYS. Why the hell would it take DAYS? Whatever. It did.

Thats the end of that. Finally.