
I dont know if this blog entry is going to make much sense, but here.. we.. GO!

Right now Im visiting a homie Down in DC. We've been playing videogames all night and I have been getting owned cuz I dont play much anymore. Tomorrow, we will be doing some parkour, hopefully shooting awesome footage. It will be fun.

An event called the INSOMNIAC IRONMAN is happening tonight and probably a good portion of tomorrow. It basically involves five guys(pretty much just YouTube celebs) challenging eachother to see who can stay awake the longest. They're documenting and communicating via BlogTV where other people from anywhere in the world can watch LIVE.

I've been loosely following the event. Sometimes its entertaining. Other times its boring as hell. I do think it is a neato way to use the live video service and I've got some ideas for some live stuff that I might do in the future.