Intense Day

WARNING: Long Story. Short version in last line of post.

Today was an extra fun day. I got to do many things including but not limited to:

-Climbing around an abandoned insane asylum
-Jumping off a bridge into water
-Rope swinging, also into water
-Extremely random hiking
-Playing on one of those playgrounds filled with tires.

But I'd have to say that the most ridiculous part of the day was during hike back to the car. We're running down a freakin trail to get back before dark. The trail comes out to train tracks where there is currently a train going in our direction. "We should jump on the train," says Grant, jokingly.
So then I start running... next to the train. I reach out with my hands, grab a ladder, and jump. Now I'm on the side of a train cruising toward my destination. I look back and Grant has followed my example but Jason is still walking.
As Grant and I quickly lose sight of Jason, we realize we must disengage before reaching the tunnel or the bridge in order to reunite with Jason. Jumping off our ladders is awkward because the train is picking up speed. "Its a good thing we jumped off when we did."
We turn to start walking back for Jason and see him speeding towards us attached to the side of the crazy train. It is going faster and faster and he has to make his move soon or go with the train to whereverthehell it is headed. He jumps and runs, almost falling with every step, dangerously close to the massive metal mayhem that is now barreling down the tracks carrying a forceful wind and a deafening rumble.

But we're all OK! So we LOLed and we ROFLed all the way back to the car.

That's right. We jumped onto a moving train.