First Post, Last Post?

i has blog, so i suppose i will use it. Here it goes...

This is my first post. It is also my last post. Hopefully that wont be true for too long. If that makes any sense, than good for you. If it doesnt, dont worry about it.

I could begin this whole blog thing by explaining a few things about myself... but I wont because this post is already too long. Sorry about the length. I just wanted you to feel my pain.

I woke up this morning with plans to meet up with some tracuers and take part in a parkour jam, but I rushed out the door without havng a good idea of where I was going, so I drove around until I got lost which didnt take very long because I dont ever drive so I have no idea how those crazy roads work.

Anyway, I wound up at the south end of patapsco state park and decided to stop by and see if they could help me get back on track. The people at the entrance seemed nice, but couldnt help me. They told me to ask at the visitor center inside the park and let me go in without paying. Or maybe I drove in without giving them a chance to charge me.... Whatever, I got in for free and it was a nice day.

The man at the visitor center was also nice. But, he was very old and got lost on his way back from getting a map. Needless to say, he wasnt all that helpful but he had a map, which was helpful, so forget what I said about him not being helpful. I wish I could just delete that part.

After the whole patapsco thing, I followed the directions that I got, and it was an epic fail, so I just started driving the other way, which worked out nicely. I got home and then went with my family to my sister's volleyball banquet. It was on the bay and there was a dock with a decent diving board. After doing a few flips off of it, I decided to try my luck with a double front flip. Afraid that I would under rotate, I decided to just go all out. This was a bad move.

I have heard that hitting water at really high speeds is about te same as hitting concrete. Now I know first hand... I over rotated and did a massive face plant... from a really high jump... with a lot of rotation (The rotation gave my head an extra boost of velocity!!!)

Heres how it feels:
In the split second before contact, I relized what was happening and I partly opened my eyes to see if it was true and then closed them at the last possible moment.
Then I got slapped....hard
I could feel the water pushing my face and my skull pushing back. Ever part of my face that didnt have a calcium sheild was thrust toward the back of my head(particularly the eyeballs).
IT ALMOST KNOCKED ME OUT. That would have been BAD.
Someone asked me if I was OK, but I only had partial brain function and I really wasnt sure if I was OK. All i knew was that my chest and face felt like they had been hit by a truck, made of concrete and I felt like I was still spinning. Once I got a hold o myself, I hurried back to the dock. My bright red flesh with welts forming spots.
The moral of the story.... Water Hurts

PS. While I was typing this, I noticed that every time I type the word "park" my fingers go on and type "parkour"